
Delivering supplementary educational program known as Ignite, for the under-privileged children in multiple cities across India. The program consists of English, Mathematics, Science, Computers, Mentoring, Arts, Sports, and life skills support to increase opportunities for college and future employment for the kids.

Beneficiaries: Children at orphanage, slum, and village community centers across Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh and Delhi NCR.



One of the largest independent volunteer organization in India.

1,500 volunteers provide quality education to underprivileged & orphaned children.

Educate & mentor children from orphanages, slum\village community centres.

Projects : Little Einstein – Maths and Science, Yantra- Robotics, Nakshatra


Problem Statement


Children in orphanages and underprivileged children do not have access to holistic education.

Do not get the chance to discover and exhibit hidden talents, and competitive exposure and are denied the opportunity to reach their full potential.



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Nakshatra – The Annual inter-orphanage art, cultural, sports and science talent festival.

Enables these under-privileged children to showcase their talents,giving them the confidence to pursue their dreams.

Competitions take place between orphanages, instilling a sense of competition as well as unison.


Budget Requested INR 2,00,000